Sunday, February 9, 2014

Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme Fun

More Nursery Rhymes - Humpty Dumpty

The kids had fun with the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme.  We even added plastic eggs (with faces drawn on them) to our block area so they could act out the rhyme of Humpty sitting on the wall.  It was fun to watch them try to balance him on the wall of blocks.

Here is the rhyme if you are not familiar:

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Our art project was a good time for scissor practice as well as fun sponge art to make Humpty Dumpty sitting on a brick wall.    I started by giving the children a piece of paper with an oval drawn on it.  They told me the shape if they remembered, and if not we talked about ovals.  Then they used the child friendly scissors to cut out the oval. This is a great time to watch how the children are using the scissors and help when needed.  Good practice of those fine motor skills!

I had the crayons out so they could decorate Humpty's face however they wanted.  (sorry I don't have a picture of it, I deleted it by accident, but you can see how the oval looks in the finished product).  After they finished Humpty they used rectangular pieces (another chance to practice the names of shapes) of sponge to sponge paint red "bricks" onto the bottom half of the paper.  The harder they press on the rectangle, the better it will come out looking like a brick.

Then they put glue on the back of Humpty and glued him to the top of the wall!  

Fun and easy.   As you can see, one of the children used paint on their Humpty face as well. So whatever works!  Also, our letter of the week was "R" so the adding the color of  "R"ed paint to our Nursey "R"hyme week worked out well. 

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