Sunday, March 9, 2014

Community Helpers

There is so much you can do with the theme of Community Helpers.  Here are a couple things that we did last week in our preschool class:


Fire Safety by Lisa Herington
Fire, Fire said Mrs. McGuire by Bill Martin Jr.
Fire Fighter! by Angela Royston

Hurry, Hurry!
(act it out as sing it)
hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck
hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck
hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck
ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

hurry, hurry, squirt the water
hurry, hurry, squirt the water
hurry, hurry, squirt the water
ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

(you can add, ..put on your helmet, slide down the poll, climb on the truck, etc.)

Talk about fire safety, especially being careful around the house in the kitchen and near the fireplaces.  We talked about how to stop, drop, and roll if needed. 

We did some good old finger painting with red and yellow paint to create flames.  I had the children do it on a plain piece of white paper and we cut it out to look like flames when it dried.  One of the children really loved the feel of the paint and kept painting until the paper actually ripped.  But we found the ripped paper looked like great flames!  The "flames" were glued onto black construction paper (it may look purple in the picture, but it was black!).

This is the one that ripped

The artist of this one wanted it cut instead of ripped
Another community helper we talked about was bakers! 
Little Bitty Baker by Leslie Muir
We read the book about a baker who had no time to make their own birthday cake.  Then we baked muffins as gifts for our families.  The kids loved cracking eggs, pouring in ingredients and stirring.


We made chef's hats.  I took a long strip of white poster board, measured to their head.  They decorated it with markers.  Then I stapled a white plastic bag (from the grocery store) around on the inside of the circle strip.  It creates a natural "poof" and the kids loved them. This was a nice simple art activity to go along side the baking.

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