Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Scissor Practice Striped Tigers

Today we started our week about Zoo Animals.  For art we made Tigers.  I always like a chance for the preschoolers to use their fine motor skills and practice cutting with scissors, so instead of painting the tigers we cut "stripes" out of paper and glued them on.

I started with an outline of a tiger on orange construction paper.  I found a great free template at http://www.toddlerapproved.com/2014/07/sticky-tiger-craft-for-kids.html .

I gave the kids black scrap paper and had them cut them in strips. It is important that the pieces they are given are large enough for them to get a good grip on and hold onto while cutting a long strip with the scissors.
 After cutting strips they used glue sticks to glue the "stripes" onto the tigers body.

After they dried I cut out the outline of the tiger and they all turned out great!!

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