Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas Finger Play - Jesus' Birthday

Since I could never find a good Christmas finger play that talked about Jesus' birthday I made one up myself!  I hope you like it and can use it with your preschoolers.  My preschoolers love it and want to do it over and over, they love taking turns saying the different parts.  It is also a great lesson in placement as you can have the children stand in different places depending which line they are going to say.  It helps them learn 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

5 Little Christmas Trees

5 little Christmas trees standing by the gate

The first one said, "It's getting late".

The second one said, "There are angels in the air".

The third one said, "Why are they there?"

The fourth one said, "It's Christmas day"

The fifth one said, "They tell of Jesus' birthday!"

Then along came the shepherds and the three wise men,
and they all bowed down and said "We love him".

Hope you enjoy. Have a very Merry Christmas!

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